Happy June! This week on the farm..
Rains, sunshine, cooler temps lately, no hail... we're doing pretty decent here! Currently cutting lettuce, picking Strawberries, cultivating and weeding. Also harvesting greenhouse Beets, Bok Choy and Swiss Chard. Planting is not near over as we still have tables in the greenhouse full of our cabbage and also late kale, broccoli and we are taking a stab at cauliflower this year too! All the late crops will be field planted in a few weeks. The fields are full of moisture and crops are thriving. Flea beetle eaten kale is growing nicely now and our sweet onions are doing exceptionally well. We have spent a lot of time hoeing these crops to keep them clean. Our peas are in blossom and it won't be long until we're eating sugar snaps and sweet shelling peas again! The mini lettuces are awesome! We'll flood the markets with this beautiful stuff this week! Mini dark red oak leafs, butter types, frilly kinds.. Salad rules this time of year! And our strawberries!! We are tryi...