
Showing posts from January, 2015

2015 is going to rock!

I know for sure that 2015 is going to rock! Ben and my babies make me smile constantly. I've also made quick friends with a holistic nutritionist by the name of Tanya Fraser.  She is super inspiring and looks at your life as a whole. She is also a personal trainer. I would highly recommend adding a holistic nutritionist to your life. Support what these pros do. Tanya has just recently started a podcast as well. Surrounding yourself with HAPPY awesome people is enriching for the soul!  Banish the negative, poisonous, drama-damned people (especially when they come in the form of family members - they can be the worse!) Add to that a diet rich with the best wholesome foods and plenty of fresh air and exercise, and life can be very, very sweet! Speaking of sweet, my newest passion is brewing my own Kombucha. I attended a class by Tanya and brought home my first scoby culture and have created a mass set up of jars and ideas for flavourings.  I use a really good green tea...

January on the farm

Going into 2015 with high hopes here! We've secured a decent amount of storage crops, especially some really great carrots!  If you don't juice, you really should look into it.  I juice because of the way it makes me feel. Health has become very important to Ben and I and our diet is changing to make way for a lot more veg.  Fresh, raw veg makes me feel an amazing natural high.  I've been juicing for quite a few years now and it's nice to see the 'trend' catching on more and more each year. We've got beautiful juice carrots in stock.  Email us if you want to pick some up at Evergreen Brickworks Market or starting in February/March at Dufferin Grove again. I've been juicing carrots, pears and ginger.  Wow is all I can say. For the next few months we will continue to offer Onions, Potatoes, Carrots and Cabbage. Buttery Fingerlings, red Potatoes; huge hot Cooking Onions; crisp sweet Cabbages; rainbow and regular sweet orange Carrots.  Even some beet...