Spring Update #2

Relaxing in the greenhouse on my laptop is such a nice, nice time! Sharing these pictures of our farm's progress is something I always look forward to as well!  Though I don't blog as much as I like, I hope these posts give everyone a good idea of how we get these vegetables and herbs to town.  I feel caught up today. I'm not as 'panicked' as I've felt over the last few weeks.  I'm sort of a perfectionist and this is not always possible in an organic world! hahaha.. I would say that all is well and I'm nicely relaxed...until tomorrow...
We've got Lemon Grass on the go, Parsley pots here, 3 different kinds of Thyme and huge Nasturtiums!  Kinda jumped the gun on these puppies!   These can all be purchased through the Evergreen Garden Market grand opening May 21st.
Cilantro, Cilantro!  Everyone loves Cilantro! Also in the background are some kick ass Green Mixes from Johnny Selected Seeds in Maine! 
Summer Cabbages, I believe this variety is Farao. I've transplanted 3 different types of Kale, a Cheddar Cauliflower and the nutty much loved 'Romanesca Italian Spike' type too! Broccoli and a Red Cabbage are in this group as well.
Sweet Dani Basil!!!!!!
Early beets can be successfully grown as seedlings to transplant to have extra early beets for market sales!  ; )
Best for last!  My heirloom tomatoes are thriving!  We are planting them out later than last year because it is a lot cooler.  They much prefer to be in the warm middle greenhouse #2 eating fish fert and enjoying the sun....they will be transplanted shortly in Greenhouse #1 shortly!  Greenhouse #1 has never had tomatoes in it before, so a nice fresh, rotated fertile base to grow some amazing beauties!  I will also plant in the field, but still love being able to control over head moisture and blight within my houses...

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