The end is near...

So march is almost over and I would say it's been one for our record books around here. Beautiful temperatures have allowed us a head start on growing AND the added bonus of saving on supplement heating costs of the big glass beasts!! There were many nights this month the furnace didn't even run out there and it was awesome!!! Now the shift in weather has us snuggling up again, covering tender seedlings, checking the furnace before we go to bed and during the wee hours of the morning. Back to normal again. I wonder what April has in store? Hoping for the best but can always deal with the worst. Happy Spring, here's some cheerful pics. And YES, that Spinach is from OUR fields! Available each Thursday at Dufferin Grove. Ben and I are eating a ton of spinach!! The carrots are also a spring treat! I've been juicing them along with our cabbages.

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