What to expect during the coming weeks from our farm!

The fall harvest started out awesome and ended up pretty crappy.  Just with cabbage and cauliflower thou, all carrots, onions, potatoes are great!  Cabbage is a main storage wholesale crop, so that failure will be felt, but we will weather the storm.  We always do.  The cauliflowers are little baby mini's.  And they. are. cute. !!!  Making the most of it.  The baby romanesca's hold a nice green colour when steamed and an amazing light nutty flavor.  My kids are gobbling them up when cooked and tossed with butter. 
And some small white cauli's too.  Only available for the next couple of weeks. Then cold weather and possible snow will shut down harvest.
Our cabbage will still be available all winter long at Evergreen Brickworks market and at select retailers like The Big Carrot
We have a new home at Evergreen Brickworks!  We are located in the Welcome Center, the middle room of the site.  Tucked away in a warm corner you will find our farm this winter. We will be bringing the big shelf and a big sign so everyone will be sure to find us! Here is a pic from last Saturday. And YES, we have heirloom tomatoes still for the next two weeks! Nov. 21st and the 28th. Possibly not many ripe ones for the 28th but get out your favorite recipes for Fried Green Tomatoes! We mass harvested the covered fields, so we have baskets of tomatoes slowly ripening in the barn still. 
Enjoy our winter offerings everyone!

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