Greenhouse #3.....

ALMOST THERE!! In fact, we could harvest some of this amazing arugula for market this week, but I'd like to wait another week to let it really, really size up! The heat has created a surge in the last greenhouse where we direct planted transplants and direct seeded spinach & radish..... early tomatoes will be going in as well as huge transplants compliments of greenhouse #2. We are currently also preparing greenhouse #1 for the same type of scenario for the fall time! So greenhouse #1 and #3 will host early and late greens for all to enjoy when the field crops are not yet ready in spring or when frost has wreaked havoc in the fall! Since we are using our own field soil and our own compost, the flavor is not compromised. We are not growing in synthetic soils.....flavor packed field soil and under GLASS, so the plants are in heaven, not to mention the weeds.....

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