Fall at Sosnicki's farm....

(PPSSSSSSSTTT: For a 68 picture tour of our farm during fall time, head to our public page on Facebook: SOSNICKI ORGANIC PRODUCE  ; )
Okay, so we've had a beautiful fall.  We are still playing catch up for last year's tomato disaster, but all in all, much better.  We are getting very good at holding our own.  I think it has to do with something called pride.  We've recently witnessed the horrible downfall of a neighboring farm and it made my heart sink.  To think, that could be us.  It is not easy making a living farming just 60 workable.  It seems expenses and even wages keep heading skyward, but no one seems to want to pay more for veg.  Ben and I will not pirate our produce either, meaning we know it's top notch quality, but will never charge $5 for a bunch of carrots.  So a lot of other ideas are in the works to amplify earnings here at the farm.  Changes implemented will take a 10 year plan to take effect and grow this farm into something spectacular!  There is a lot of love that goes into growing this stuff and well, just to run your own business and display such magnificent produce, hell, I feel like the richest woman in the world!  Ben and I both love what we do, and I think that makes all the difference in the world.

 The picture above was taken on the day Ben turned 40.  We were out by good ol' field 101, where Ben plowed up the old pasture.  October 19th was a warm day and the sun felt especially nice.  To have a crop of peppers still thriving at this time of year is something special!

Peppers were excellent this season!  Golden Beets were awesome!  Sweet Potatoes were the newbie on the farm this year.  Super easy to grow, we'll be doing sweet potatoes every year from now on.  Having Evergreen come for a tour was really great!  Considering a lot of folks are soo far removed from where their food comes from and how it's produced, farm tours are very important - and THAT is where we come in!! I was proud of Ben - he embraced the visitors instead of hoping on a tractor and being 'busy'.  Below is Ben digging up some fresh sweet potatoes to show the Evergreen Crew.....
We were able to wrap up the season over at Riverdale Farmer's Market with a gorgeous display!  We had the most colourful Radish bunches ever! Peppers, Brussel Sprouts, Green Beans, Coloured Beets, Potatoes, Heirloom Tomatoes, Onions, Carrots, Leeks, Squash etc as the picture below shows....
To wrap up October of course we have to celebrate HALLOWEEN!! Carving pumpkins, like doing Easter eggs is a must around this farm! A lot of customers enjoyed the pumpkins and took lots of pictures at market!  I only felt bad when one tiny sweet little girl asked me very, very concerned:  "Why is the big pumpkin eating the little pumpkin?"  All I could reply was:  "Well, he's hungry!".....
The Jack-O-Lantern with the big toothy grin was nicknamed 'Kera' after our vegan helper!  At market it proudly displayed a huge carrot sticking out of it's mouth!  I'll blog as much as possible during the winter months...thanks for bugging me at market to keep blogging!!!  ;)

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