Crops today.......

Just went out today after supper and snapped our one east field. This one labeled '102' according to my Pro-Cert recordings!! It's been a while since I've shown progress. Here she be!! More rain today, not like north east of here, so I am not complaining. I am all about 'heirlooms' right now. It's hard for me to concentrate on anything but! We've planted my heirlooms in long, long rows away from each other. I've got beets, carrots, dill, beans and even our strawberry patch inbetween all 80 different varieties of heirlooms! New beets are a week away from sale (for big ones), our carrots are small, so for later, dill is moving now, beans probably next week....I have to blog about our 'leeks' shortly. BEAUTIFUL crop for fall! Anyhow, some tomato pics. The green creepy ones are called 'Tlacolula'. They remind me of tarantula spider! Blood red too when ripe!! We are officially harvesting slicing tomatoes we go! And yes, this is not 'perfectville' around here, we've got early blight in some tomatoes because of the rain along with some kick ass powdery mildew in the cucumbers and a touch in the melons. What can ya do, nothing, so no bitching, move on......

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