Fried Green (Heirloom) Tomatoes

From anyone that knows me, or has been following this blog, they will understand my anticipation for my heirloom tomatoes! My mother in law is joining in the heirloom parade and is now 'hoeing' my vast patch of 80 different tomato varieties! We do have substaintial bug damage, but that is the way with organics and THAT is WHY we planted lots!! There are a couple varieties that are gone, totally eaten by potato beetles, but there are 80, so I guess we can figure 78 now? LOLOLOL - *choke* Ben says it best: "Let nature run it's course, we've got lots of good strong plants". I'm kicking the plants with my boots and seriously thinking about paying a labour force for pick them off with me. Thinking about a 'vacuum' sucker or a fan, something to do the trick.....

Anyhow, sometimes I have to take Ben's advice, so today I am. I've taken off my steel toe boots, am not kicking plants and am going to relax! With that in mind, a recipe that I plan to put to good use: FRIED GREEN TOMATOES. I love this movie as well. I love Idgie's character and like to think we have a bit in common! LOLOLOLOL!! Anyhow, the recipe: (sorry, no amounts, use judgement for your own personal amounts. No one has to hold your hand.....)

Heat bacon fat in a heavy bottom fry pan. Dip tomatoes in eggs, then bread crumbs. Slowly fry in bacon fat till golden brown on both sides. Put on a plate. For each tbs. of fat left in pan, stir in 1 tbs. of flour and blend. Then stir in 1 cup of warm milk and cook until it thickens. Add salt and pepper. Pour over your 'fried green tomatoes'. They do say this is the best there is..... and I don't doubt it old fashioned! When I have more time, I'll post perhaps a 'healthier' version using olive oil! lolololol.....

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